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The Healing Junction
Please search for products available in your area or contact us for suggestions as to where you may find them. Please include your location details in the body of the email.
Jeanette Annecchini, Certified Alkaline Health Coach
Disclosure Statement
A body that is well nourished and free of impurities will be able to handle all stresses better, including the stress of any state of dis-ease. My focus is to provide education on how one may detoxify and strengthen their body by making ideal choices in his / her life pertaining to diet and lifestyle. I do not diagnose or treat disease and understand and encourage that my clients are under the care of a physician for the disease(s) in question. My recommendation are for supporting the body nutritionally, to help normalize itself according to its particular nutritional needs, regardless of any disease, which may or may not be present. Any advice provided is intended as a complement to any therapy, which you may be taking and not as a substitute for it. Any information provided is strictly for education purposes. It does not involve diagnosing, treatment or prescribing remedies for the treatment of diseases.
Be well,
Jeanette Annecchini