How To Test Your Body's pH

It can be a good idea to test your body's pH. There are two ways to test, the first is the more accurate way to determine the pH of the tissues, test you urine. Testing your saliva is a more of a clever way to determine the health of your mouth, gums and teeth. Both have different 'ideal' or 'target' pH values. With saliva, it needs to be above 7, therefore alkaline. 

Before you get into the specifics for testing, it is important to review your knowledge of the pH scale and pH measurements in general. We all know that 7 is neutral, neither acid nor alkaline. Any value above 7 is  considered alkaline and anything below is acid. Each pH value represents a ten times change. So a pH of 8 would be ten times more alkaline than 7pH. A pH of 9 would be one hundred times more alkaline than 7 and 10 would be one thousand times more alkaline and so on. So even what may seem to be a small variance could be making a lot more of a difference in regards to your health than you would initially suspect!

Testing your body's pH with pH strips via the urine

For 7 consecutive days test your morning urine, as close to 7am as possible (when your body is most acidic - while we sleep our tissue storage sites dump accumulated acids from the previous day into the lymphatic system for removal via the kidneys and bladder). If it is not possible to test close to 7am just do it as soon as you first wake up.

You may either urinate directly onto the pH strip (just needs a little bit, not too damp) or in a jar/container and then simply dip the pH strip in quickly. Once the strip is damp, you may lay it down on a piece of toilet paper or hold the strip in your hand to compare with the pH value chart on the pH strips box. You may want to take note of the date and pH value in a little book so you may keep for your records. Remember it is best to take an average over 7 days. To do this test daily, note the value and then after day 7, add the totals and divide that number by 7. ;)

Target pH of urine: 6.3-6.6 (represents alkaline vital blood)

Urine that is below 6 may result in frequent bladder infections or the sensation that a bladder infection is on its way. The best remedy for this is to achieve a more ideal alkaline-acid balance as described in this article.

Testing saliva

Begin by swallowing any saliva currently in the mouth. Next begin 'milking' your saliva glands by actively creating more saliva. Allow it to pool in the mouth a little bit. Then spit into a small jar or cup. Dip the pH strip in for a brief second and remove. You can now take your reading. Because saliva is the inferior way to determine your overall pH, it is not necessary to take an average. Simply test here and there to see the condition of the mouth, mucous membranes/gum and the potential effect on the health of the teeth. For this reason it can be interesting to test the saliva after eating or drinking specific foods/beverages to see what sort of impact they have in the mouth. Keep in mind some fruits are acidic in the mouth but result in an alkaline-forming ash once digested and are therefore great for overall health!

Target pH of saliva: Above 7 by any amount (Eg. 7.3)

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